Friday, January 22, 2016

Surrealistic Art

These are my favorite surrealistic 2d pictures. I'm really into psychedelic surrealism. I love the different art styles. Surrealism is probably my favorite type of art. It shows its own personality without trying. It's different than most art. It's more creative in my opinion. 


  1. I love all the 3D pieces you chose (and I think I have seen the one of Max Ernst's in person)! Like you said, 3D has a lot of potential of Surrealism, and I'm inspired by those pieces you pick. Keep working!

  2. I really enjoy these pieces you pick! I can sort of feel that how you borrow images (I mean gain inspiration)from these pieces and make it your own. I've seen that awesome collage you did and that impressed me.

  3. I enjoy your work so far in the class. A lot of your pieces have the theme of pattern and nature. I am excited to see what else you will do. I think you should continue your creative work with bright colors, such as when you took painted string and slapped it on the paper to make a pattern.

  4. I know this is kind of irrelevant but am I the only one who thinks the third image really looks like a penis? I do like the idea of combining human body parts with other random things though. You can actually do something like this (either 2D or 3D) in class if you want to.

  5. I love the patterns and geometric shapes you do and I think it's funny because all of the pieces you chose here are very human-like and earthy and flow and the things you create are very symmetrical and like illusion pictures

  6. I really like your blog and it is interesting to read your opinions! I agree with you about the personality that comes through with surrealism! I also really like the eye ad the mushroom trees!
